healthy eating

Spring Time Sweet Potato Burgers

Looking to smile while you make awesome veggie burgers using only 3 ingredients ? I have the recipe for you!

Spring Time Sweet Potato Burgers

2 large sweet potatoes
1 bunch of cilantro
4 eggs
Salt, pepper and any other spices you fancy.


Shred your sweet potato and either chop into smaller pieces or add to food processor. Set this to the side and chop or process your bunch of cilantro (about 1 packed cup). Add the cilantro to your sweet potato and then mix in the spices ( I also added cumin, coriander and paprika). In another bowl lightly beat together 2 egg whites and 2 whole eggs then add to sweet potato and cilantro mixture. Set oven to 350F or 180C. Form balls (smaller than a tennis ball and larger than a golf ball) and set on tray. Flatten balls with a spatula and bake those puppies for 25 mins on each side !

Enjoy on salads, in buns or with another food creation!

Do you have a game plan for this week?

Ever feel like you make a bunch of lists and “to-dos” for your week and then each day passes and all the sudden it’s Friday and you can’t even remember what you have done or eaten? My way of slowing down and making sure my ducks are in a row so I can actually enjoy my week is to have a game plan for each day. While lurking online on the weekends, I bookmark recipes that seem appetizing and also scope out my favorite food blogs to find new ideas. On Sunday, I make a list that looks something like this:

1. Lunches — I make two different ones that will last 2 days each. I should also say that I have a lovely best friend in Taiwan (s/o Josie!) and we swap lunches. I cook lunches for us for two days and she creates lunches for the next two days. This is also a great idea if you have someone at work that eats similar to you and is willing to swap some food around!

2. Sean’s Lunch — What is my lovely husband going to eat? Most weeks this consist of beef or tuna fried rice/ tuna or ham sandwiches or some type of chicken and rice concoction. Do you think he likes tuna? A little?

3. 3 Dinners — I try to make 2 meals that will last 2 nights each and one meal that is a one nighter type of thang. We generally eat out once or twice a week.

4.  Snack! — Most days at 4 o’clock I am desperately in need of a mid afternoon snack. Sometimes we have muffins, granola, energy balls, hummus, etc.

5. Breakfast! — Juices, granola, fruit, bread with cashew nut butter? Our options are unlimited. Well slightly limited,  seeing as how I can not find sprouted Ezekiel bread. 🙂

So on Sunday when I go shopping all my bases are covered. This sets me up for my week. Not only does it keep me more organized and free up my mornings so I can leisurely practice my yoga, but it ensures that I am able to eat healthy food made with love…ALL WEEK LONG! Everyone is different and having a plan that works for you just kind of makes life easier in general.

Today, I actually stayed out of the kitchen (besides Sean’s lunch and my Red Sauce creation) and our roomie, Mackenzie, spent the afternoon in the kitchen! She really took care of it all and hooked us up allllllll week long 🙂 THANKS MACCA!

This is what my week this week looks like:

  • Lunches: Spinach & Apple Salad / Greek Inspired Quinoa Salad + Josie’s awesome swap lunches!
  • Sean’s Lunch: Tuna Sandwiches and Vegetable Fried Rice (homemade of course!)
  • Dinners: Ginger Sesame Salmon/ Green Thai Curry/ Vegetable Korma/ Homemade Red Sauce with Soba Noodles  — Sean’s best friend is coming and bringing his LARGE appetite with him.
  • Snack: Granola Bars
  • Breakfast: Cardamom Maple Granola

Check out this link for lunch ideas: — made this last week for lunch. WOW! That’s all I can actually say. Especially the dressing (which would be a fabulous marinade!) — I base ALL my granola creations off this one! Just use what you have and when you feel stable with your granola baking branch out and explore. Today’s granola creation only included: almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds + cardamom seeds. YUM. — I made a cookie based off this recipe tonight. I used whole wheat flour, added craisans and cashews. I also only had a little chocolate so some cookies had chocolate and some did not! I used 2 eggs, no sugar and no sunflower butter.

While writing this I managed to listen to music throwbacks from 70s, 80s, 90s and early 2000s — including baby got back, brickhouse, no diggity and respect! YEEEEEE. I might be excited to dance at our wedding in August. Maybe a little.

Share what works for you during the week!

Love & Light always and in ALL ways. Especially in your food.